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A portion of any proceeds made in connection to the Heroes of 888 project will be donated to The Capital Gazette Memorial Scholarship Fund. This fund was created by the Community Foundation of Anne Arundel County in memory of the lives lost during the tragic attacks on the Capital-Gazette newsroom. The fund will provide an annual award for select students pursuing a degree in journalism at the University of Maryland.Crime Fiction Books

Silent Blue Tears: Voice of the Victims
Purchase through Amazon in paperback and Kindle
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Silent Blue Tears: Strong Women Unite
Purchase through Amazon in paperback and Kindle
Purchase through our website via PayPal
If you would prefer to pay via CashApp or Venmo please contact Ron directly at

Silent Blue Tears: The Unexpected
Purchase through Amazon in paperback and Kindle
Purchase through our website via PayPal
If you would prefer to pay via CashApp or Venmo please contact Ron directly at

Childrens Books
(click on the book covers below to purchase book)